Boards falling short

Do you feel that your board is as good as it could be, or is it falling short?

Out of 772 directors surveyed by McKinsey:

  • 34% directors agreed that their boards fully understood their companies’ strategies
  • But a mere 22% said the board was aware of how their firms created value,  (McKinsey Improving Board Governance)


Bored Meeting

The heart of the matter:

Are all the members of your board (or senior management team) able to:

  • Communicate and articulate the business strategy?
  • Understand the financial implications of strategic decisions?
  • Discuss how the business adds value?
  • Share what makes the business different from others in the industry?


In my experience, many board members (not you of course!) struggle to give a half-decent definition of what ‘strategy’ or ‘marketing’ is.

So, how on earth are they expected to produce or recommend a decent strategy themselves?

Read the full article and action points here.